Copper Tailings Reclamation Study
Arizona, USA
Project Description
GSA designed, implemented, and monitored a large field-scale experiment to assess the performance of different cover system depths, seed mixes, and organic amendments. These studies are being used to develop cost-effective reclamation alternatives for approximately 5,000 acres of tailings at the mine site. Geochemical and physical properties of the tailings test area were classified, and several experimental designs for reclamation cover system alternatives were developed and implemented. Cover performance monitoring stations were installed at fifteen representative locations. Monitoring was conducted for 12 years with a focus on vegetative success, changes in soil fertility, salinity, and erosion; and estimation of net percolation through the cover systems. Alternative cover system performance was evaluated by comparing vegetative success, net percolation control, and long-term cover system viability versus reclamation costs.
Project Highlights
- Geochemical sampling and mapping of tailings
- Vegetation and erosion monitoring
- Design of optimal reclamation strategies
- Cover performance monitoring and modeling
- Cost-benefit analyses