Ore Permeability Assessment
Minera Cerro Corona
Project Description
GSA conducted physical property and ore permeability screening tests on “average” and “poor” ore samples. Different crush sizes, agglomeration treatments, and blending ore with tuff were used to study the effects on the physical and hydraulic properties of the ore. Screening tests and methods included specific gravity, particle size distribution, Atterberg limits, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and consolidation-permeability (dual wall saturated hydraulic conductivity). The goals of the screening tests were to determine physical and hydraulic properties of the two ores under the different treatments and to evaluate the results in terms of acceptable solution permeability and potential fatal flaws associated with the permeability. The solution permeability performance criterion for ore representing bottom of the heap conditions was based on a threshold hydraulic conductivity relative to the leach irrigation rate.
Project Highlights
- Physical property testing to define characteristics of ores considered poor or average
- Consolidation permeability testing to assess the solution permeability of the ore under a range of estimated heap heights
- Permeability performance ranking of ore types and crush and agglomeration treatments