Solution and Air Flow Dynamics Evaluation
Project Description
GSA designed and is testing an experimental laboratory program to analyze solution and air-flow dynamics in copper leach ore resulting from different air injection system design. A crib is instrumented with water content, temperature, tension, air pressure and oxygen concentration sensors. Variable irrigation and air injection locations and rates will be implemented to determine their effects on solution and air injection efficiency.
Solution content within the crib did not change significantly in response to different irrigation and aeration rates or aeration locations. However, uneven distribution of solution content was observed, with preferential solution flow at deeper depths. Drainage rates were uneven and correlated to air injection rates and location, indicating that air injection location influenced solution flow direction and distribution. Increasing the irrigation rate during air injection also decreased oxygen contents.
The crib test results were used to support heap leach pad design and process modeling.
Project Highlights
- Design and implementation of characterization program to identify non-reactive rock armor material
- Erosion modeling
- Vegetation monitoring