Payments for Ecosystem Services, Ruidoso Watershed
Village of Ruidoso, New Mexico
South-Central Resource Conservation and Development Council
Collaborative Forest Restoration Program
Project Description
The Village of Ruidoso, NM resides along the Rio Ruidoso at the base of a steep, forested watershed. This watershed is overdue for a catastrophic wildfire and the Village's infrastructure and tourist-based economy is at extreme risk of a major post-fire flood event.
GSA is co-leading a two-part investigation of the watershed to determine the feasibility of establishing a payment program, whereby the Village would pay the landowners in the upper watershed to implement forestry-fuels projects to reduce the downstream post-fire flood risk.
Phase 1 project elements evaluate the potential for watershed treatments to reduce post-fire runoff. Phase 2 involves community outreach and education activities and addresses potential long-term payment mechanisms.
Project stakeholders, including the Village of Ruidoso, the Lincoln National Forest, and the Mescalero Apache Nation.
Project Highlights
- Fire behavior and fire effects modeling
- Rainfall runoff and erosion modeling
- Stakeholder workshops
- Community Outreach
- Feasibility analysis of Payments for Ecosystems Services program